Nurturing Future Leaders

Nurturing Future Leaders with Exceptional Education

We provide girls with an ambitious, forward-thinking learning experience and cultivate their full potential with exceptional opportunities. At the end of their time with us, learners are curious, kind and well-rounded individuals who go on to attend some of the most prestigious day and boarding schools.

With a broad selection of enriching extracurriculars, girls are encouraged to pursue their unique interests, whether in sports such as netball, swimming, dance and fencing, or exciting club options, including Orchestra, Choir, Debating, Chess and Needlecraft.

We value our girls’ individuality and seek to empower them with positive personal qualities, including resilience, confidence and adaptability. As a school, we are dedicated to fostering enquiring and disciplined minds, transforming girls into successful learners and thinkers, and equipping them for their future roles in society.

Sophie Banks, Head

Laying the Foundations for Success in Class and Beyond

A very warm welcome to Pembridge Hall, where we are proud to say that our girls are at the heart of all we do. We believe that self-esteem, resilience and happiness are paramount to every child's success, and we pride ourselves on developing confident individuals with a love of learning and a thirst for knowledge. 

Our students benefit from extensive opportunities to learn both inside and outside the classroom. We proudly provide girls with a ‘three-dimensional education’, believing it is only when teaching is inspiring and imaginative that girls will truly thrive. Ambitious academic standards, a talented staffroom, and strong pastoral care all contribute to the success that our girls attain. Sport and the Arts feature strongly in the curriculum, enabling learners to become skilled across many facets. We are proud to be a London-based school and appreciate all the rich, exciting opportunities that surround us.

Teachers, students and parents work in a close partnership to ensure each girl is happy and achieving her maximum potential. At the end of Year 6, girls transfer to some of the finest senior day and boarding schools in the country, such as Godolphin and Latymer, St Paul’s Girls and Wycombe Abbey.

In a rapidly changing world, we offer an excellent, all-rounded education that prepares students for life, while also ensuring they experience a childhood they will cherish. If you are looking for a school that will bring the best out of your daughter, please do come and visit us during an Open Morning to see first-hand what makes us so special.

Mrs Sophie Banks, Head

A Path To Success

A Path To Success

Our pupils are at the heart of all we do. We emphasise each student's individuality, recognising that happiness, a love of learning and emotional well-being are intrinsic to strong academic performance. By combining traditional values with an innovative education, we provide girls with an ambitious, aspirational school experience, which not only nurtures and challenges them but also empowers them to succeed.

Our Values

Our Values


We encourage learners to strive to achieve their personal best while also developing their unique character. Learners are seen as individuals. Their interests and talents are nurtured, while they themselves are pushed to be confident and articulate, and to understand the importance of humility.


Learners develop the skills to work collaboratively with one another, using emotional intelligence and a toolkit of strategies to support both themselves and others. They also learn empathy and a sense of self-understanding.


Learners are stimulated to be intellectually curious, ask questions, and develop a love of learning. We provide them with a breadth of experiences and encourage them to aim high in all they do.


We teach our learners to understand the importance of making mistakes and push them to step out of their comfort zone in their learning. Our progressive curriculum fosters a culture of striving for excellence, and families are supported to be aspirational in their senior school choices.


Girls have many opportunities to reflect on their learning and create strategies to manage their well-being. They enjoy challenges, take risks and develop a growth mindset.


Our students gain an appreciation of wider society and the diversity of nationalities, faiths, beliefs and languages represented by our families. They develop a sense of responsibility when it comes to helping others, including through charitable work and community outreach.

An Inspiring Curriculum

An Inspiring Curriculum

Our ambitious, tailored curriculum is designed to stimulate, challenge and inspire girls from an early age.

In pre-preparatory school, we teach learners to participate actively in the education process, which at this stage includes physical, social and academic opportunities and is enhanced by creative and exploratory learning areas. 

Years 1 and 2 follow an accelerated version of the National Curriculum involving a mix of independent and teacher-guided work. At the preparatory level, children are thrilled to embark on a rich, balanced course of study, becoming independent, critical thinkers while also taking on greater responsibilities. Preparation for the 11+ and Common Entrance exams begins in Year 5.

Once the girls have completed these assessments in Year 6, they continue to engage deeply in a varied, all-rounded curriculum, which prepares them to make a seamless transition to top senior schools.

Student Testimonials

I have been able to discover the extent of my abilities as a sportswoman at Pembridge Hall; looking forward to sport every day has such a positive impact on my attitude towards school.

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Every Drama lesson is fun and imaginative, like when a pirate wrote us a letter and we had to find his missing treasure!

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When I dance I can express myself in different ways; dancing makes me feel confident and free.

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I love everything about Science: watching chicks hatch and grow, experiments with Bunsen burners and growing crystals. We learn how things work, to think outside of the box and get messy!

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I love Pembridge Hall! I have so many friends and they are really kind to me. We like playing games in the park, learning to read and eating yummy lunches!

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We learn about lots of different technologies in Computing. I especially love coding, gaming and exploring other worlds with VR goggles.

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I love playing different pieces of music during my flute lessons and taking part in performances. Playing music makes me feel happy.

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Discover more about our magnificent school and how your child can benefit from our ambitious offering.