Fostering Critical Values in a Safe, Nurturing Environment

At Pembridge Hall, we are proud to promote positive personal qualities in our girls and foster their welfare and well-being as part of our robust pastoral care programme. We offer a nurturing environment for our learners to gain key life skills in, equipping them for success both in class and beyond. 

Considerable emphasis is placed on the importance of good manners, excellent behaviour and personal responsibility, and we incorporate these values into all areas of school life. These core attributes are supported by our Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHEE) initiative and the creation of safe, caring learning conditions.

The interventions below are in force to support students with effective pastoral care, which in turn helps them to become independent and live confidently as active, informed and responsible citizens.

Impactful Initiatives

Building Ownership with Impactful Initiatives

Girls at Pembridge Hall are empowered to make meaningful contributions to school life, building confidence and a sense of ownership of their community. There are many opportunities for learners to participate in impactful activities, including our House system, Green Girls, School Council and Food Council.

Holistic Education

Holistic Education that Prioritises Mental Health and Well-Being

Our girls benefit from a holistic approach to education, in which students' mental health and well-being are prioritised. By supporting these elements during early development, we provide learners with the necessary tools to strengthen both their self-esteem and capacity for self-regulation. Promoting these faculties also allows them to engage positively with their education and maximise excellence in academic performance.

Safe Environment

A Safe Environment that Maximises Potential

Children have a right to feel safe, cared for and supported at school. Our experienced educators work hard to maintain suitable learning conditions and to protect all students as a matter of urgency. By creating an environment that prioritises safeguarding, we offer a foundation for our learners that facilitates their development and maximises their academic potential.

Combating Radicalisation with Fundamental British Principles

As part of our school's Safeguarding and Child Protection mandate, we shield learners from extremism and radicalisation by promoting British values and ensuring all staff adhere to and are trained in the Government’s Prevent Duty

Resilience to such threats as those mentioned is ingrained in our ethos, curriculum and enrichment activities. As a British school, we expect learners to embody certain core principles, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and cultures. Additionally, teachers are equipped to identify pupils at risk of radicalisation and the relevant safeguarding pathways to be implemented.

Learning Technologies

A Secure Approach to Learning Technologies

Modern technology can significantly enrich school life, provided they are leveraged in a safe and secure manner. At Pembridge Hall, we have a robust eSafety policy to ensure the responsible use of all learning technologies (including the internet, mobile phones, collaboration tools and personal publishing) from Reception up to Year 6.

In Computing lessons and the broader curriculum, learners are taught about the risks and benefits of using technology, with specific concepts learnt at appropriate age levels. We also collaborate with Childnet International, a non-profit organisation dedicated to making the internet safe and enjoyable for children. These vital interventions provide students with awareness and safeguards and empower them to control their experiences online, an important skill both in class and beyond.

Formal mechanisms are in place to ensure that all eSafety issues are reported and recorded. In addition, our school supports parents with regular workshops on online safety strategies, advertised in advance.

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