2 girls with their arms in the air with joy

Virtual Open Day

Welcome to Pembridge Hall! 

You are warmly invited to tour our school from the comfort of your home via our Virtual Open Day page. If you are unable to visit us in person, we hope that this virtual experience will give you an insight into life at Pembridge Hall: our enviable setting in a beautiful residential square in Notting Hill, dynamic teaching and learning, warm and caring ethos and the achievements of our girls. 

The school is part of the Alpha Plus Group: the Gold Standard in education, and our outstanding provision enables our girls to reach their full potential in a challenging yet secure and warm environment. We cherish our girls as individuals and our school is a community which promotes disciplined, enquiring minds and facilitates children’s development into successful future world citizens.

In watching the videos, you will hear from our Head, Mrs Sophie Banks, other key members of the senior team, who will share a wealth of information about the school and discover more about school life from some of our Year 6 girls, who meet parents at Open Mornings.

You are also able to explore our classrooms and our fantastic specialist facilities via our Virtual Map.

If you would like to book a visit or register for a place at Pembridge Hall, please use the links below:

Enquiry Form

Application Form

Book a Visit

For further information, please contact our Admissions team who will be happy to help.

Registrar, Monika Jackova.

Email: registrar@pembridgehall.co.uk
Tel: 020 7908 0774

Virtual Map

Based in numbers 18 and 10 on tree-lined Pembridge Square, Pembridge Hall School is firmly rooted in the leafy community of Notting Hill. Our beautiful white Georgian buildings are rooted in history but incorporate state-of-the-art facilities and fresh, modern décor.

No. 10 Pembridge Square

Deceptively spacious Number 10 accommodates Years 4 to 6 in cheerful, modern classrooms and boasts an impressive array of dedicated specialist teaching facilities. Our Gym doubles as a Dance Studio with a mirrored wall, barre and bespoke flooring. Girls enjoy the magic of the Drama Studio with its mirrored walls, blackout curtains and treasure trove of costumes and props. There’s a second Computing Suite housing, not only desktop and laptop computers, but a green screen, Virtual Reality goggles and range of robotics equipment. Our tranquil Art Studio is flooded with natural light thanks to its glass roof and the fully equipped Music Room and custom-designed Science Laboratory complete the complement of interactive learning spaces.

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Science Lab

Science [along with Maths and Technology] is a fundamental aspect of our STEM curriculum and our state-of-the-art laboratory is always a hive of activity. Hands on investigations see the girls in lab coats and goggles investigating, hypothesizing, predicting, experimenting and collect results on a wide range of exciting topics. Our Kitchen Sink Science clubs also take place in the lab.

Science Lab
Lesson in science lab
Science Lab
Science Lesson
Science Experiment
Science Experiment in Lesson
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Music Room

This light, spacious room promotes creativity and provides a space in which the girls can explore different genres of music alongside developing their understanding of pitch, rhythm and notation. Being such a large room means that rehearsals for various performances can also take place here, as well as weekly clubs such as Senior Choir, Chamber Choir, Senior Strings, flute ensembles, Orchestra and our String Quartet.

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Physical Education plays a key part in the life of our school and our Gym offers a flexible space for indoor PE lessons and Dance. A mirrored wall, barre, black-out curtains and a specialist flooring facilitates the girls taking part in a variety of sports, as well as being taught dance – from Ballet to Bollywood and Chinese Scarf dancing to the Charleston.

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Dining Hall

Our specialist school caterers provide home cooked lunches for the girls, prepared daily on-site and made from delicious fresh produce. Lunchtime is also an important social occasion, and the girls very much enjoy chatting with their friends in our bright and airy dining room. The room is also used for events such as Tea Concerts and Poetry Recitals.

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Innovation Space

This cleverly designed room gives girls opportunities for individual computing work but also space for collaborative STEM projects. Resources such as our green screen, VR goggles, iPads, robots, Micro:bits, Makey Makey, Marty Robots and Kano technologies all help to develop problem solving skills and computational thinking.

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Art Studio

An energetic and creative hub, our beautiful Art Studio is flooded with natural light, courtesy of its glass roof. This generous working space is extremely well resourced with equipment for lino printing and etching, clay work, batik work and painting on silk, felting, sawing and modelling. Exploring Art History is a key aspect of the curriculum, as well as visits to galleries and artists’ workshops which help inspire them to develop their ideas.

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Year 4 Classroom 1

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Drama Studio

At Pembridge we are fortunate to have a custom designed Drama Studio with lights, mirrors, blackout curtains and staging, so Drama thrives at the school. Each year sees a range of performances from class assemblies to larger year group performances such as the Middle School Mini Musicals, culminating in the Year 6 play performed over two evenings at a local theatre. The props and costume cupboards are a treasure trove of inspiring items used during weekly lessons and after school Drama clubs.

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French Room

Having a dedicated room for French allows the girls to immerse themselves, not only in the language itself but also the culture. Prior learning is displayed on every wall and the girls make frequent use of the grammar and vocabulary prompts during lessons. Here, lessons are conducted almost entirely in French, encouraging girls to develop their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, as well as their confidence.

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Year 6 Classroom 1

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Year 6 Classroom 2


No. 18 Pembridge Square

Girls from Reception to Year 3 are based at number 18 in spacious, bright, and airy classrooms with high ceilings, large sash windows and fitted furniture. The internal patio area has a bespoke play frame on and under which, girls enjoy playing during their morning break times. Specialist facilities span the five floors and include a Music Room, Computing Suite, Gym/Dining Hall, Peripatetic Teaching Rooms and an Art Studio.

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Our internal patio area features a of toys, games and resources, as well as a bespoke play frame, built to support imaginative play. Creative play is essential to child development – honing social skills, collaborating with others, providing situations in which decisions have to be made and enabling the girls to explore areas of interest. Climbing bars and our two-storey structure also develop physical skills, building muscle strength and coordination.

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Reception & Year 1 Art Room

Girls in Reception and Year 1 benefit from specialist teaching in Art and Design. They enjoy their lessons in our dedicated Art Studio, equipped with a variety of exciting resources which are used when creating art in various mediums. This space is also used for Art, Jewellery Making and Needlecraft clubs.

Students sat in the art classroom
Empty art classroom
A host of students sat down in their classroom
An art classroom
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Dining Room & Gym

This flexible space accommodates girls in Reception to Year 2 at lunchtimes where they are served a delicious, healthy lunch while enjoying social time with their friends. Our younger girls also have some of their sport and dance lessons in this space, utilising gymnastics and athletics equipment, as well as the fitted wall bars.

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Our beautiful, recently refurbished, library houses hundreds of high-quality books available to girls across the school. Whether they are searching for information or reading for pleasure, the girls take advantage of the opportunity to lounge on enormous beanbags, either individually or sharing a book with a friend. The large wall screen also allows the room to be used for teaching small groups of girls in a dedicated, quiet space.

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Reception Classroom 1

Students talking in the classroom
An empty classroom - reception
Students using the reception classroom
An empty reception classroom
Teachers and students using the reception classroom
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Reception Classroom 2

Students and teachers in reception
An empty classroom for reception students
Students' classroom Reception
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Reception Classroom 3

Teachers and students sat in the reception classroom
Picture of the reception classroom
Picture of our reception room
Reception classroom
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Year 3 Classroom 1

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Year 3 Classroom 2

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Year 3 classroom 3

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Music Room

The Music Room at number 18 is a lively space where choral and music lessons take place for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Our younger girls enjoy singing a range of musical pieces, encompassing a variety of genres, as well as creating their own compositions making use of instruments such as rain sticks, tambourines, maracas, sleigh bells and tuned percussion. It is also the rehearsal space for Junior Strings, Junior Flutes, the Guitar Ensemble and a number of Baroque Chamber groups who integrate the beautiful harpsichord that can be seen in the photographs.





What are your school’s entry points?

The main entry point to Pembridge Hall is Reception, where girls are admitted at 4 years old. Parents are strongly recommended to register their daughter as soon after birth as possible and then definite places are offered based on the following procedure. Applications are processed by calendar month to ensure an even distribution of birthdays throughout the year. Places are allocated at the end of the month. The month is divided into thirds and an even number of girls is randomly selected from each third. Thereafter, names are added to an on-going waiting list.

For entry at 7+, girls are invited to an Assessment Day, taking place in the Spring Term, during which they will be assessed in English and Maths. Having spent three years at Pembridge Hall, we are so proud of the significant academic progress made by our Year 2 girls and assessment of girls at 7+ enables us to make a judgement as to whether or not a child would be able to access and benefit from the pace and breadth of our curriculum as they move through the school. Assessment Days also allow girls to familiarise themselves with our school and the opportunity to take part in a range of workshops with our specialist subject teachers.

Applications for girls into any other year group, when places are available, are subject to an age-appropriate assessment in addition to receipt of a report from the girl’s feeder school. Any reports or information from educational psychologists or other relevant bodies should also be supplied to help assist the school in its decision.

Can I visit the school?

Prospective parents are warmly invited into school to see a presentation from the Head, Mrs Sophie Banks, and Deputy Head, Mrs. Raffan, together with the chance to talk with other members of the Senior Leadership Team. Parents will then be taken on a tour of both our school buildings so as to see firsthand what makes Pembridge so special. Tours are concluded with the opportunity to meet our Year 6 girls who take great pleasure in talking about their school, as well as sharing their experiences throughout their time at Pembridge Hall.

Can I meet the Head?

Parents whose daughter has been allocated a definite place are invited to visit the school and meet the Head, if they wish. In addition, Mrs. Sophie Banks [Head] and Mrs. Raffan [Deputy Head] are always available to meet parents virtually if this is more convenient and Mrs. Banks also hosts live virtual Q&A sessions for prospective parents throughout the year.

What facilities does the school have?

Pembridge Hall is housed in two beautiful Georgian buildings on a residential garden square. Reception – Year 3 form rooms are situated at 18 Pembridge Square, after which the girls move to 10 Pembridge Square where Years 4, 5 and 6 are based. In both school buildings, we have excellent facilities for the girls: large, bright and airy classrooms and impressive specialist rooms which have been designed specifically for teaching each curriculum subject. While form rooms are based in either 18 or 10 Pembridge Square, we are very much one school and from when they start in Reception the girls move between the buildings for specialist lessons, as well as making use of the stunning Pembridge Gardens for playtimes.

Our Interactive Map showcases some of these facilities, including our Science laboratory, Drama studio, Computing suites, Music room and more.

What are the advantages of girls’ only education?

The benefits of single-sex education, particularly for girls, are compelling. Biological differences as well as variations in the rate at which many boys and girls mature, mean that girls and boys learn differently at different stages. At Pembridge, our girls are afforded the freedom and encouragement to speak out, ask and answer questions. Further, we are able to advance with greater depth within the curriculum at an earlier age. As a girls’ school, we actively challenge all gender stereotypes; Pembridge girls see no limitations on what they can do. The majority of top senior schools in west and central London are single-sex schools, so for some parents, girls’ prep is a practical choice. That said, co-ed schools can be and are excellent and both can be the right answers for your daughter.

Which senior schools do Pembridge girls move on to?

Outstanding teaching and learning readies our girls, over seven academic years, to be thoroughly equipped for the different 11+ academic entry papers and confidently prepared for their transition to some of the most successful day and boarding schools in London, the UK and beyond. As a school we have strong, well established links with destination senior schools and proactively support parents through the entire process so they can make informed decisions about which school is the best fit for their daughter. Pembridge is trusted by senior schools in preparing girls to be independent, adaptable to change and resilient as they make the exciting move onto the next phase of their education.

Every year we take great pride in the achievements of our girls.

To view Pembridge Hall leavers’ destinations, click the links below:

Year 6 Senior School Results 2018 2019 & 2019 2020

Year 6 Senior School Results 2020 2021

Senior School Destinations

Do you collaborate with Wetherby School?

Wetherby School is part of the Alpha Plus Group and also our next-door neighbour at 11 Pembridge Square. We have many shared families with brothers and sisters attending Wetherby and Pembridge respectively. Throughout every academic year, boys and girls regularly participate in a number of joint events such as our Year 3 girls attending the Wetherby Year 3 boys’ ‘Maker Market’ and our older girls reading with boys in younger year groups. This programme is emerging over time and we are planning to unite for larger scale events in the near future.

Which clubs do you offer and do you provide wraparound care?

Our broad clubs programme offers opportunities to encourage and inspire our girls. Regarded as an essential part of school life, our extra-curricular activities help them to develop important life skills such as leadership, confidence and teamwork. We offer over 40 clubs a week which serve to enrich the girls’ development in a variety of areas.

Pembridge endeavours to support busy, working parents by offering wraparound care, in conjunction with our clubs programme. Girls can attend our Early Club from 8.00am and/or after-school sessions until 4.30pm [Reception – Year 3] and 4.45pm [Years 4 – 6]. Girls will take part in a variety of activities and games and have the opportunity to meet girls from across the school.

Comprehensive List of Clubs

Do you offer bursaries and scholarships?

We do. Our Bursary and Scholarship Fund has two purposes:

  • Bursaries provide an essential safety net to support girls of current parents who have unexpectedly fallen into financial or other difficulty, and
  • Scholarships aim to ensure our school community is vibrant, diverse and accessible to our most talented girls by ensuring a Pembridge Hall education is available to those from less advantaged backgrounds.

Find Out More 

From 2025 you can continue your journey at Wetherby Pembridge, this premium co-educational senior school in the heart of London will welcome pupils from Year 7 to Year 9 bringing together the proven academic excellence of Wetherby and Pembridge Hall.

Founding Headmaster Nick Page brings 20 years of leadership from the best British schools including Harrow and Westminster.

Discover What’s New