School Charities

We attach great importance to charitable giving at Pembridge Hall and feel it vital that our girls are fully involved in choosing the charities we support and in sharing ideas for fundraising. When children are educated about charity, they learn to be considerate of others, to be careful of what they have and to show compassion.

Our girls are keen to support charities based in the local area and we have formed strong links with the Kensington and Chelsea Foundation, the Rugby Portobello Trust and with COSMIC – Children of St. Mary’s Intensive Care. We also celebrate harvest at an annual special assembly during which our families donate a wide range of foodstuffs and toiletries which are distributed to needy families in our locality.

Pembridge Hall enjoys close links with St. Matthew’s Church, our local parish, supporting initiatives in conjunction with Reverend Will Coleridge. We aim to strike a balance between support local and international charities, ensure charitable giving remains meaningful and impactful at all times.